Custom Cabinets Give You The Freedom To Choose!

New Berlin Kitchen Remodel

Independence Day is celebrated with fireworks and festivities at this time of year, and for good reason. We couldn’t agree more that the freedom to choose is a wonderful thing. In fact, it’s at the heart of what we do at The Cabinet Maker.

When you work with us, you won’t need to devise a plan based on off-the shelf, pre-made cabinetry. Instead, you’ll have the freedom to get exactly what you want. The Cabinet Maker will partner with you to design something from scratch that fits your space and creates the efficiencies and conveniences you’ve been longing for.

Here’s how The Cabinet Maker gives you the freedom to choose.

You can maximize the space you have available. Stock cabinets – the kind you find at big-box stores or online vendors – typically have dimensions that come in 3-inch increments. But what if you have a space that’s 45 ½ inches wide by 16 ½ inches deep? You’ll need to buy a size that’s smaller, leaving space that can’t be used. At The Cabinet Maker, we’ll custom-build something to the exact dimensions available so you can put every inch to work.

You can get exactly the finish you want. Your choices of colors and finish shouldn’t be limited to 10 or 12 options. When you work with The Cabinet Maker, we can customize this part of the design, too. Show us a photo from a magazine, bring in a sample, or even share a fabric swatch – we’ll get the look you want. This is especially helpful when you are trying to match a finish or color elsewhere in the room.

You can get extra durability where it’s needed. Drawers that pull out for easy access are great, but heavy appliances and cookware need extra weight-bearing drawers, especially if the drawers are oversized. That’s not always the case with pre-made solutions. The Cabinet Maker will install a drawer slide that’s up to the job – and in the size and location you want it.

You can turn frustrations into solutions. Lighting for a dim kitchen corner? A customized storage space for cookie sheets? A way to organize all those stray plastic lids? Tell The Cabinet Maker what drives you nuts in your current kitchen or bathroom and we’ll find solutions that can work in your unique space. The Cabinet Maker takes pride in finding beautiful ways to create functionality.

You can dream. That’s the bottom line: If you can imagine it, chances are we can design, build and install it. Just ask! Contact us for a consultation by using our online form.